SDX launches Web3 Services

SIX Digital Exchange (SDX) has launched SDX Web3 Services, a range of products which will support the safe and secure adoption by financial institutions of Web3, based on blockchain technology and decentralised applications. Initially, SDX Web3 Services will include cornerstone products for digital assets including custody and non-custodial staking.

SDX Web3 Services are targeted at the institutional client segment and will initially focus on the most prominent applications of Web3: cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other asset tokens. SDX Web3 Services offer fully secure digital asset custody services to institutional clients. Starting with key cryptocurrencies and expanding into other classes of tokens, these services include key storage, transaction execution and monitoring with banking-grade compliance standards, automated reporting and blockchain management. SDX Web3 Services also provide fully managed validator infrastructure and APIs to enable reliable and secure non-custodial staking. Starting with Ethereum, SDX will offer institutional clients a simple and secure process to launch new validators and generate yield for their clients.

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